Ann Atwater Theater Awards
Learn about the six recipients of Manbites Dog’s Ann Atwater Theater Awards, given to Triangle theater artists and companies whose body of work reflects and honors Ann Atwater’s lifelong commitment to activism for social justice
A Message to 2019-20 Grant Recipients:
Because of current uncertainties, completion deadlines for projects have been moved to June 30, 2021, to allow you time to decide if you want to reschedule your project, revise it, or cancel it. We understand there are a lot of unknowns right now, so please just keep us informed as your plans evolve, and we will work out the details with you.
Update on Artist Relief Funds:
Updated fundraising totals, distribution amounts, and contact information for five Triangle-area funds raising and distributing money for artists in need can be found here.
Building Sale
We sold our building in December 2017. Find out more here.
Our New Mission
Find out about Manbites Dog’s new direction, and read a message from Ed and Jeff.