In March, Manbites Dog Theater Fund donated a total of $12,000 to support the efforts of five Triangle artist relief funds, recently organized in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and is urging all members and supporters of the Triangle arts community to contribute as well. The five funds are:
• Durham Artist Relief Fund, organized by Northstar Church of the Arts. Raised: $60,090 (744 donors). $40,000 (to 140 artists)
• NC Artist Relief Fund, organized by VAE Raleigh. Raised: $77,733. Disbursed: $60,590.
• Arts Recovery Fund, organized by Durham Arts Council. Raised: $36,352. Disbursed: $26,000.
• Orange County Arts Support Fund, organized by Orange County Arts Commission. Raised: $37,516. Disbursed: $18,850 (to 45 artists).
• Chatham Artist Relief Effort (CARE), organized by Chatham Arts Council. (Amount totals pending.)
* Amounts as of April 29, 2020
Scroll down for more information and links.
In the current pandemic emergency, many artists and arts presenters whose jobs rely on the public having access to their work are experiencing major financial impacts because of cancellations and social distancing made necessary by COVID-19 crisis. And, as noted by Northstar Church of the Arts: “To add insult to injury, a large percentage of artists supplement their incomes with part time jobs, often in the service industry, another industry that will be hit hard…”
Local artists and arts organizations have responded to this crisis by creating support funds to supply temporary assistance for artists in immediate need. 100% of funds raised are going directly to artists and arts presenters. You can visit the fund websites for details and updates.
We urge you to join the arts community’s efforts – your help is vital. Please step up and make a donation at whatever level you can afford to one (or more) of the funds listed below. No donation is too small, no donation is too big.
Stay home. Stay well. Stay involved.

How to Donate and Apply
Durham Artist Relief Fund
Organized by Northstar Church of the Arts
Apply for Funds
NC Artist Relief Fund
Organized by VAE Raleigh in collaboration with Artspace, PineCone, Theatre Raleigh, and United Arts Council
Apply for funds
Arts Recovery Fund
Organized by Durham Arts Council (with support from Duke University, the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, the Durham Arts Council Board of Trustees and DAC Executive Director)
Application process under development and will be announced soon.
Orange County Arts Support Fund
Organized by the Orange County Arts Commission with assistance from The ArtsCenter in Carrboro
Apply for funds
Chatham Artist Relief Effort (CARE)
Organized by Chatham Arts Council
Other Relief Funds: ArtsNC is maintaining and updating a list of North Carolina and national artist relief funds.
Find it here.