Announcing the 20-Minute Grant

For the past few months, we’ve been talking with area theater artists and supporters, reevaluating our granting processes and goals, and exploring ways to better serve the needs of the Triangle theater community. As a first experiment, we developed The 20-Minute Grant–a small, easy-to-apply-for grant designed to help theater-makers pay artists. Applications closed on November 15, and we’ll be evaluating them over the next few weeks. In the meantime, you can click here to see what it’s about.

What We’ve Been Doing

In 2018 Manbites Dog closed down its building and transitioned to its new mission. Our first round of project grants was in 2019-20. After the onset of the pandemic, we helped support Triangle grass-roots emergency artist relief funds, honored theater artists whose work reflected the goals of Durham social justice activist Ann Atwater, and awarded sustaining grants to artists whose ongoing initiatives strengthen the theater community.