Manbites Dog Productions
By Jennifer Haley
Directed by Jeff Storer
October 7-23, 2010
Oh, the Humanity and other exclamations
By Will Eno
Directed by Jeff Storer
December 2-18, 2010
By Monica Byrne
Directed by Jay O’Berski
January 27-February 12, 2011
Now You See Me
By Neal Bell
Directed by Jody McAuliffe
March 17-26, 2011
Buddy Cop 2
By Hannah Bos and Paul Thureen,
developed by Oliver Butler
Directed by Kevin Ewert
June 16-25, 2011
Other Voices Presentations
Co-sponsored by Duke University and Manbites Dog Theater
The Theme Is Blackness
A Festival of Contemporary American Playwrights
Night of the Beast
by Ed Bullins
Directed by Jay O’Berski
Harriet Jacobs
by Lydia R. Diamond
Directed by Dana Marks
November 3-13, 2010
SPENDY Productions presents
Strange Beauty Film Festival 2012
February 17-19, 2011
Archipelago Theatre presents
Stealing Home (the architecture of intimacy)
a solo vocal cabaret by Ellen Hemphill
April 14-23, 2011
Little Green Pig Theatrical Concern presents
Jade City Chronicles Volume 1:
The Super Spectacular Bad Ass Herald MF Jones
by Howard L. Craft
Directed by Jay O’Berski
May 12-28, 2011